Welcome !

Web Developer,Web Designer,Frontend Developer

Name: Kim Harribaud

Profile: Full stack developer

Email: kim.harribaud@etu.umontpellier.fr


About me

Computer enthusiast from a very young age, I specialize in web development, I am able to model and build a dynamic website with specifications.

I code in HTML, CSS, JS and PHP.

I extend my knowledge in JS with frameworks such as React or Node.


List of my skills in the web

Web Design

Passionate about web design, I like to highlight my creativity and my imagination in order to develop the best possible result.

Web Development

Web development is the basis of all websites it has allowed to participate in the development of millions of websites. With languages like (HTML, CSS, JS...).

Responsive Design

Because having access to your website from any device is important, responsive design remains an essential element in the web.


List of my projects

Voting site


A voting site created during a Montpellier/Sète University project.

Pokémon site

Pokémon sales site

A Pokémon Booster and Box sales site. Personal project realized during the shortage of Pokémon cards.

Video game

Rail adventurers

A video game project based on the game "Les Aventuriers du Rails" produced as part of a Montpellier/Sète university project.


Presentation of my project