Members : Kim Harribaud, Sylia Rathier, Adam Henchiri, Sarah Bettinger Duration : Six months Specifications : With Situation : University Difficulty : Hard
Detail and operation :
This project consists of creating an online voting site where anyone registered on the site can ask a question or answer questions from others like a forum. This project lasted six months and was carried out by teams of four. In order to carry out our project, we used the agile method with : - Adam Henchiri as Scrum Matser, - our Product Owner is Sylia Rathier, - two developers Kim Harribaud and Sarah Bettinger.
We kept a project report so we could show our work every week. We held one meeting per week so that each member of the team could show their progress in the work but also so that we could explain our problems encountered. We had a sprint every two months where a professor evaluated us on the progress of our work.This website is composed of multiple sections and pages, each serving a specific function to offer a complete and satisfying user experience. Among the available sections, one can notably mention the questions asked by users, where they can ask all kinds of questions, whether personal, professional or related to a specific subject. In addition, a "My Account" section is provided to allow users to customize their profile and manage their personal information. A section dedicated to question creation is also available so that users can easily share their own questions with the community. Finally, a "Vote" section is set up so that users can express their opinion on the questions asked and give their feedback on the answers provided by other members of the community. Additionally, to ensure effective management and tracking of activities on the site, an administrator panel has been created to supervise and manage users, questions, answers, and interactions. Thus, all of these sections and functionalities provide a dynamic and user-friendly online environment, allowing users to exchange and find answers to their questions with ease.